Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ellen In The Afternoon

Well I have found my "mommy" afternoon show...The Ellen Degeneres Show!! After watching cartoons all morning with Luckas and playing with toys, having Justin come home for lunch and watching crime shows. I found my little show to watch in the afternoon! I have never really been into the whole "old woman" shows I would call them in the past.haha Lately I have been watching Ellen on a weekday basis. But she really is just to funny to pass up! I would hands down rather watch Ellen then watch Oprah or Ricky Lake if they even have that show anymore!! Ellen is just funny and makes my day with a laugh after having a sick baby screaming in my ears all day from having an ear infection,runny nose and is congested! She has her own cork to her that I just love. Plus its a show that Justin wont come home to and change the channel. He lets me watch the whole thing:) haha! Its so adorable when I am watching Ellen, Luckas sits on the sofa with me and claps his hands and goes "clap" (in his own little way)! She has such a big heart & has helped quit a few people out with there struggles from this falling economy. So its a win win situation in my house! If you never watched should watch a few of her talk shows..she is amazing!!

1 comment:

  1. haha i love ellen! i don't like the old woman shows either haha i love watching the tyra show every afternoon!
