Thursday, August 4, 2011
BBQ Pop Ups
What You Will Need:
1 lb of Hamburger (feeds about 2 1/2 people..if you want to use turkey then that's fine too)
1/4 cup of BBQ Sauce (you can eye it less depending on if you like BBQ sauce or not)
1 tbs of Brown Sugar
Shredded Cheese-Mozzarella
1/2 Green Pepper-chopped into small pieces (your choice)
1 small clove of garlic-chopped really good (your choice)
1 thing of Biscuits( I used large butter biscuits, so they wouldn't stick to the cupcake pan)
Pre-heat the oven the tempeture that needs to be set for the rolls to cook:)
In a pan brown the hamburger, add the bbq sauce and the brown sugar, green pepper & garlic so it all cooks together. Turn down the heat to low and keep an eye on it. While your waiting for the hamburger to finish cooking, grab your cupcake pan and biscuits and start rolling them out till they are a small pancake size. Make sure they aren't to thin and they can squish and look like a little flower petal when they get in cupcake pan.
{Spray your pan with some cooking spray so the pop ups are easy to take out when they are done cooking}
After you got all the biscuits rolled out and the hamburger/bbq mixture is cooked add the mixture into your little "biscuit flowers". Add shredded cheese on top as much as you like and pop in the oven for the time the biscuits need to be cooked:):)
Then have some yummy BBQ Pop Ups. Your more than welcome to add different veggies inside to make it more yummy:):)
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Drake's Birth Story:)
I was having contractions off and on the day of July 6th but nothing was really sticking since Drake was giving me contractions and then giving me huge gaps of 20+ minutes after awhile. I would go hours with no contractions and then it would start all over again. So I never got the whole hour of contractions. I went in for my 39 week appt in July 7th to see my OB and to see what my options were or what was going to happen. She checked me and I was 3-4 cm dilated and she went ahead and stripped my membranes twice. I was 80% effaced and Drake was ready to go! I started to have some contractions right after. My OB wanted me to set up an appt for next week just in case I didn't go into labor on my own by then. We came home and I started doing last minute stuff around the house and my contractions started getting closer together and were staying on top of eachother 2-4 minutes apart. I watched them for about an hour and a half since I wanted to make sure Drake wasn't pulling a fast one on me yet again. We dropped off Luckas at his daycare ladys house and went to get monitored at L&D. I was sent home to walk, walk, walk and drink lots of water. Then to come back in 2 hours to get checked and monitored again. We grabbed a bite to eat since it was lunch and I hadn't eatten. Justin and I went to the PX and walked all over the place like 5 million times it seemed like. Went to grab Luckas since he woke up from his nap and went home to finish up stuff. I drove myself back to the hospital at 4pm so Luckas could stay at home with Justin and not go back to daycare. I go in and they check me, they checked me and the guy said he needed to call Dr.Ta to see what he wanted to do. They hooked me back up to the monitors while I waited. I waited which seemed like forever, but finally Dr.Ta came in and checked me, I was a solid 5cm and he said he was admitting me. He said he was going to start me on pitocin {to get my contractions closer together} since they were 4 minutes apart and he wanted them closer. He was also going to get me on my epidural and not have me wait and was going to break my water. He said "I want to make Drake come tonight, before midnight".lol I called Justin told him to hurry up and get to the hospital, after he dropped off Luckas. I remember feeling so relieved when he walked through the door to the room.haha I was laughing, telling jokes, relaxing through contractions...but once the pitocin was a whole new ball game. My awesome nurse got my epidural first since I was in A LOT of pain, so I was very thankful for that. My epidural was working on my right side so they had me lay on my left side to help numb me more. I was still having some really painful contractions and I'm so very thankful that Justin was there with me. He held my hand the whole time, just being so very supportive!! I was still feeling contractions in the middle of my stomach which was odd, but I was numb on my sides. The contractions were really painful so the anesthesiologist gave me something stronger in my epidural called phentinal*. I started to have a hot spot pain on my right side. After awhile of just trying to rest and relax through my contractions my nurse asked if I was feeling any pressure and I told her I wasn't. Dr.Ta came back in to check me and he goes...he is right there. Its time to push, I told him I wasn't ready!haha I was finally numb in my stomach area and I was still having the hot spot pain. I also started to have the shakes since my body was getting ready. I started to push and it took me 2-3 minutes to push or as Justin said I pushed 2 or 3 times and he was here:) I was in labor for no more than 5 hours.
He was born at 9:19pm on July 7th, 2011. He was 7lbs and 11 oz. Justin got the chance to cut his cord :) It was just a great labor all but for feeling those pitocin contractions. We had a scare of Drake's first feeding since he stopped breathing and turned blue and purple. They grabbed him from and got him to breathing about being scared to death!! Well thats Drake's birth story I hope everyone enjoyed the short story!
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Little Drake McNutt Updates
October 30th: We found out that we are expecting Baby #2 and we are so very excited:) To finally have Justin here for the whole thing is going to be so awesome. I can't wait for him see my belly grow and be there for when the baby comes!!! We are thinking the due date is July 12th,2011.
November 1st: Went and got it confirmed we are pregnant by the hospital:)Now I have to go in and get all that lovely lab work done!!
November 19th: I had to go in for this silly little class about being a mother again. Learned the same info I learned last time about the hospital since I already delivered here! Now I can't wait for my intake appt to get the ball rolling:)
November 22nd: The Intake appt went well. The due date is still July 12th,2011. I also found out that my best friend back home is also due on July 12th....her guess was a few days off;) So I'm way beyond excited that we are going through this together even if she is back in Kansas!!
December 13th: We got to see the baby today...just like with Luckas. Justin was just so in awww over seeing the baby. This baby was SO MUCH calmer then when we saw Luckas. He was such a wiggle worm. This baby just stayed in one spot, moved their hands to their face. The heartbeat was at 160. They moved a leg here or there but just stayed in the same spot the whole time. I have a little feeling this is going to be a girl:) So I'm crossing my fingers and toes and Justin's fingers/toes too!haha
December 16th: Made our appt to find out the babys sex on January 19th. Waiting for the Naval Hospital is going to have me going crazy. So we will find out when I'm 15 weeks and 1 day:) We can't wait to see what she/he is so we can start planning for this little ones arrival!
January 1st: I got the best New Years gift EVER. I felt little flutters for the very first time today:):) I can't wait to start feeling little kicks here when I get further along!
January 5th: I have not yet gained any weight. I was 133lbs when I was at WIC in December. I'm now 132lbs! I'm just blown away..with Luckas I was already slowly packing on the weight haha. I'm going to ask the hospital what I weighed the last time I came in...just curious!!
January 11th: We had to change our appt to find out what Little Baby Nutt is since Justin will be busy working that day issuing gear to the 8 teams that they will be training. We are now going two days earlier on the 17th and I'm getting really nervous since its so close. I'm just hoping for a girl but would love to have another boy. So either way I'll be okay!
January 17th: We found out that we are expecting our 2nd BOY:) Having Justin there was just so amazing. Seeing the biggest smile come over his face was just priceless. I will admit I started crying with so much happiness, sad no girl, but just the over all experience to have Justin there was something special. I'm a little nervous to have two boys who will most likely get into some trouble...but I'm a strong Momma;). I know I can do it..really excited to be surrounded by my boys:):) Our newest little man will be named Drake William McNutt. I got the name while I was in Missouri visiting my mother-in-law way before we were even preggo. I found Drake loved it and texted Justin to see what he thought, He was hooked on the name!!! I wanted William as the middle name since its my Grandpa's name. He was the only male figure in my life for along time since my dad wasn't there. He is such a great man and I really could go on and on about how much he means to me. I know that Drake will honor his name:)
January 18th: Indigestion is starting to kick in now. I have a feeling that we will have another little boy with a full head of hair when he arrives into the world. Luckas gave me bad indigestion and came out with a full head of JET BLACK hair!!! I'm starting to feel Drake a little more here and there. I hope Justin can feel him in the weeks to come on the outside:)
February 1st: Had my "18 week" check up..but I was 17 weeks. The OBGYN desk person doesn't know how to count and he isn't even pregnant.haha Everything is going great with Drake. The Dr. couldn't pick out his heart between mine, so she busted out the ultrasound to find him to hear him and check his heartbeat. She even gave me some bonus photos of him, which was nice of her. We go to make sure he is still a little boy on March 3rd...hoping Justin can make this apppintment since he has to work.
February 10th: Drake is starting to let me know his in my belly but kicking me more often. I have a feeling that he will be making my ribs all nice and bruised later on. We are still waiting for a 3 bedroom house, we can't wait to start decorating his room! Luckas is now saying "Drakey" and knows when we show him a photo of Drake he says "baby"!
March 3rd: We got to see Drake again today:) He is def a boy and I'm so excited to meet him. I think he is going to have cheeks just like his bigger brother Luckas, like me and like Justin!haha He already has long legs...hope they aren't so bad at kicking me. But we are so excited to meet him!!
March 16th: I went in for my 24 week check up. I'm 23 weeks though:) But I was excited for my appt to make sure everything was okay with Drake. I asked how much I weighed since the beginning of my pregnancy and I was 133lbs to start with back in October/November. From February 1st (my last OBGYN appt) I have gained 10 lbs so now I weigh a lovely 145lbs.haha The nurse was laughing and I just laughed it off, but 10 lbs in a month and a me thats a lot. I know I'm supposed to gain weight, just wasn't expecting to hear 10lbs come out of his mouth. Now if I can only gain another 12lbs till the end of my pregnancy I could be a happy camper, thats better then gaining 50lbs in total like I did with Luckas:) We just can't wait to meet him and love on him. Luckas is going to be such a great big brother!! He is already going into Drake's room and hanging out. lol
April 13th: I will be VERY honest. I hated the Dr. I saw today for my appt. I didn't like anything he said about my weight. I think gaining 20 lbs and only being 7 months PRETTY DARN good! I gained 50lbs with Luckas. So I think with really 3 months left to reach {40 weeks} maybe, is really good to have gained what I have. I was told that I needed to exercise more and eat healthier. But really chasing Wild Man Luckas around and having ADD/ADHD I can't sit still. So I get my full share of exercise. Now I can't wait to see the OB at my next appt so I can talk about my "weight"!
May 1st: Well its MAY....2 months till Drake is here!!! I'm getting a little more nervous for him coming. Just the "What will happen..", "How is it going to be with 2 kids...", "Will Justin be able to finish college?", "Will Luckas be okay with another baby?". I have a little feeling that Drake will be coming before the 12th. I hope that labor is nice and smooth like it was with Luckas. We are starting birthing classes on May 4th so that Justin can know what will happen and just learn things he missed out on with Luckas. I think he is going to be a great Coach and supporter for me. I just hope he doesn't pass out..thats my main concern!haha I'm starting to pack our bags slowly since I'm working all weekends of May and I have no idea where the month of April went. Time is coming fast for him to get here and I don't want to forget something/no do it and I go into labor haha. But I have 3 bags to pack: Drake's bag, Luckas' bag (if he has to go to someone) and then my bag for the hospital.
May 11th: Well 2 months and 1 day till Drake's due date:) OB appt went well. I have only gained 5 lbs since my last appt in April. Which I'm proud of since the last Dr. I saw had an issue with my weight. I guess in the last 4 months the weight gain have changed when your pregnant. But my amazing OB said she isn't worried and that I'm still measuring on track. The pain I have been having on my stomach that feels like Icy-Hot literally caked my skin stretching. Its like someone giving you an Indian Arm Rub...lovely right!?! My blood pressure was a little higher then what they wanted it to be at the beginning of my appt, but it went down when they took it again. Drake's heartbeat is around 130's which is still good:) She said if everything is okay, we could be having a baby at the end of June around when I hit 38 weeks..IF Drake does what Luckas did when I got my membranes stripped. Luckas came that night after I had it if Drake wants to and I see my OB at 38 weeks..He could come NEXT MONTH!!! YAY:)
June 8th: Today was a good day for a 35 week appt:) I now weigh the amazing 166lbs. So far its been a total of 36 lbs up to this point in my pregnancy. I think I'm doing great:) Drake is measuring right on target as he has been. His heart rate was around 140 today. I also got checked, I'm already 1cm dilated and she didn't say how thin my cervix was just that its still thick. She said that he is head down and he is really low, right So all in all it was a great appt and we will go get seen again in a few weeks. Justin was out in the field and I sent him a text to tell him how the appt went. I loved his response "I love you so much babe. Keep me informed so I can hall booty out of here if it happens. mwah babe!" Its starting to get real for the both of us that time is starting to get closer and closer to going into labor. We can't wait to meet Drake:)
June 23rd: Today has been a little eventful day for us! Went to our 37 week appt and I now weigh 168lbs. I went into L&D on Tuesday because I thought my water broke, but it was just extra So I was very thankful for that since I don't know what its like to go into labor on my own. But Drake is measuring right on time. She checked me and he is DEF head down and she said he is right there ready to go. I'm 2 cm dilated and my cervix is 50% effaced. So that makes me happy:) Came home was just hanging out, lost my bloody show. So I have no idea when he is going to be showing his handsome face now. Just waiting for him to show up and make his apperance! Car has his carseat base, bags are packed, people have been put on alert for a just incase for Luckas! We CAN'T wait to meet him and Luckas can't wait to meet "baby"!
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Chicken Club Pizza:)
What You Need:
1/4 cup KRAFT Mayo
1-1/2 cups KRAFT Shredded Triple Cheddar Cheese {I used Cheddar}
8 slices OSCAR MAYER Bacon, cooked, crumbled
1-1/2 cups finely shredded lettuce
1 tomato, finely chopped
HEAT oven to 400ºF.
UNROLL pizza dough on baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray; press into 15x10-inch rectangle. Bake 10 min.
MIX mayo and 1/3 cup dressing; spread onto crust. Top with half the cheese, chicken, remaining cheese and bacon.
BAKE 5 min. or until crust is deep golden brown and cheese is melted. Top with lettuce and tomatoes; drizzle with remaining dressing.
{This is a cell phone photo:]}
Thursday, March 31, 2011
25 Week Drake Update:)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Quesadillas
What You Will Need:
8 whole Flour Tortillas
Butter Or Margarine
2 cups Grilled Pineapple, Sliced
3 whole Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts
Salt And Pepper, to taste
3 cups Monterey Jack Cheese, Grated
1 whole Jalapeno, Sliced (optional)
3 Tablespoons Barbecue Sauce [ I love me some BBQ Sauce so I used half a bottle of Kraft BBQ Sauce]
(To grill pineapple: grill over low heat. Cut into slices.)
Pineapple:Sprinkle with salt and pepper and Cajun spice (or cumin/cayenne, etc.) Drizzle olive oil on a grill pan and grill on both sides until done, brushing with barbecue sauce. Set aside and slice into very thin slices.
WARM pan over the stove with some butter and watch your tortilla till its nice golden brown!
ASSEMBLE, sprinkle four browned tortillas with grated Monterey Jack. Arrange chicken slices evenly over the surface. Add pineapple slices and jalapeno slices. Sprinkle on cilantro. If desired, drizzle extra barbecue sauce over the top. Add second browned tortilla on top of each one. (You’ll have four complete quesadillas at this point.)
ADD to oven to warm, or back to skillet to warm, until cheese is melted. Cut each quesadilla into six wedges. Serve with sour cream, pico de gallo, and lime wedges.
[I put two piece on top of eachother so you could see the yumminess inside:)]
Buffalo Burgers: WARNING May Get Messy:)
What You Need:
1 pound ground beef
1 can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup (Regular or Healthy Request)
1/2 teaspoon Louisiana-style hot sauce
1/2 cup crumbled blue cheese or 4 slices blue cheese [I used monterey jack cheese]
4 Hamburger Buns, split
Lettuce leaves, red onion slices, tomato slices (optional)
SHAPE the beef into 4 (1/2-inch-thick) burgers.
LIGHTLY oil the grill rack and heat the grill to medium. Grill the burgers for 10 minutes for medium or until desired doneness, turning the burgers over once halfway through the grilling time.
HEAT the soup and hot sauce in a 1-quart saucepan over medium heat to a boil. Reduce the heat to low. Cover and cook for 5 minutes. Top the burgers with the soup mixture. Sprinkle with the cheese. Serve the burgers on the buns with the lettuce, onion and tomato, if desired.
Please note that this is my plate & I'm pregnant:) And these burgers are small!haha
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Chicken Enchiladas Verde
Chicken Enchiladas Verde
You Will Need:
1 can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup (Regular or 98% Fat Free)
1/3 cup water
1 can (4.5 ounces) chopped green chiles, drained
1 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crushed
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 cups shredded cooked chicken or turkey
1/2 cup finely shredded Mexican cheese blend (about 2 ounces)
6 Flour or corn tortillas (6-inch), warmed
HEATthe oven to 400°F. Stir the soup, water, chiles, oregano and chili powder in a medium bowl.
STIR 1 cup soup mixture, chicken and 1/4 cup cheese in a medium bowl.
DIVIDE the chicken mixture among the tortillas. Roll up the tortillas and place seam-side down in a 2-quart shallow baking dish. Pour the remaining soup mixture over the filled tortillas. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese. Cover the baking dish.
BAKE for 30 minutes or until the enchiladas are hot and bubbling.
•Flavor Variation: Top the baked enchiladas with chopped tomatoes, sliced green onion, sliced pitted ripe olives and/or salsa. [ I used this since I wanted those most of the soup mixture with my chicken]
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Banana Bread MADNESS!:):)
Thanks Paige for sharing this amazing yummy Banana Bread MADNESS recipe with me so I could share it:) Now you all enjoy!!
You will need:
1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup chopped walnuts (optional...I used 1/4 cup)
3 medium bananas, mashed
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
2. In a large bowl, stir together the melted butter and sugar. Add the eggs and vanilla, mix well. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt, stir into the butter mixture until smooth. Finally, fold in the sour cream, walnuts and bananas. Spread evenly into the prepared pan.
3.Bake at 350 degrees F for 60 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean. Cool loaf in the pan for 10 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
February Coming To An End
Are you sure?!?
Want a good laugh?!? Be prepared for a little chuckle;)
Okay....well our very busy month is coming to an end in a few days, a lot has gone on for us:) We celebrated both Justin and my we are now "old people".jk jk
Then we got to celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary:) We had a nice dinner out at the Cheesecake Factory. We had some yummy food and Justin got to enjoy a beer and not worry about a screaming toddler!! Seems to have just FLOWN by so fast. We have been through training for the USMC, 2 deployments, having a baby, moving from Kansas to California, moving to a new house and more on top of that. Plus more to come in our crazy life with more years to come;) And this also makes me sad, I graduated high school 4 years ago!!haha
Then two days later we celebrated Luckas' 2nd birthday. I held it together most of the day, I got really tear eyed in the morning before his party. But I did okay:) So GO MOMMA!!!! He had his 2 year check up and his little noggin is in the 95% group, his weight is in the 70ish% group and his height is in the 60ish% group. They also told me that he has grown 3 inches since he was last seen by a about growing!!!!
We also got some AMAZING NEWS that we will be moving into our new house in the next 3 weeks. I can't wait to finally have a bigger home, more space, the chance to get ready for Drake and start on his room..I think it will actually SET IN more with me besides him kicking me harder that he is coming in 20 or less weeks. I know Justin is excited to have more room with having another little man on the way:)
Then last but not least..I have to share a little funny story with you all about our newest speeder in the family:)bahaha I have gotten literally SO MUCH greif from Justin about my two speeding tickets (which both accounts...were a joke), my warning driving home to Kansas trying to find a rest stop and then my improper turn ticket (don't ask me how that happens). Anyways...Justin gives me so much smack on my tickets and how he doesn't want to pay for anymore. I have been ticket free since April 2009. Back to the main point, Justin calls me since he is coming home from work today. He slips in that he got pulled over by PMO (military police) and got a speeding ticket. I literally busted out laughing SO HARD, I was crying for a good portion of the phone call and after we hung up. It was so priceless that a speeding ticket for going 10 over the speed limit..55 in a 45. So his new name is Speeder;)
I hope you all enjoyed the little update:) Now its time to go get some buffalo chicken wings and a salad for dinner;) And make sure your going the speed limit!!haha
Friday, February 18, 2011
Chicken-Stuffed Bell Peppers
You will need:
4 large green, red or orange peppers
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 medium onion, diced (about 1/2 cup)
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 1/2 cups diced cooked chicken
2/3 cup pasta sauce [I used garlic sauce]
1/2 cup shredded Cheddar, Monterey Jack or Swiss cheese
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
HEAT the oven to 375ºF. Cut the tops off the peppers and reserve. Remove and discard the seeds. Place the peppers, cut-side up, into a 3-quart shallow baking dish.
HEAT the oil in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until tender. Place the onion mixture into a medium bowl. Stir in the chicken, sauce, cheese and black pepper. Spoon the chicken mixture into the pepper halves. Top with the reserved pepper tops, if desired.
BAKE for 40 minutes or until the peppers are tender.
Savory Lemon Chicken
You will need:
Vegetable cooking spray
1 1/4 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
1 can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell's Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley or 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/4 cup chopped green or red pepper
4 lemon slices
SPRAY a 10-inch skillet with the cooking spray and heat over medium-high heat for 1 minute. Add the chicken and cook for 10 minutes or until well browned on both sides. Remove the chicken from the skillet.
STIR the soup, water, parsley, lemon juice, paprika and pepper in the skillet and heat to a boil. Return the chicken to the skillet. Reduce the heat to low. Cover and cook for 5 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through. Top the chicken with the lemon slices.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Its been 4 years...
Our Wedding Day:):)
Our 1 year Anniversary down at Sea World:)
Our 2nd Anniversary I was 39 weeks & 2 days pregnant with Luckas/ Justin was in Iraq for his 2nd deployment.
Our 3 Anniversary...we went to dinner where we went on our honeymoon the Jolly Roger in Oceanside,CA.
And tonight we are going to dinner down the hill to have ourselves a little dinner:) I can't wait for many more years to come and we can be those two old people rocking in our chairs watching our kids/grandkids. Life is just simply amazing:)!!!!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Orange BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwiches
1 boneless pork shoulder (3 lb.)
1 bottle (18 oz.) KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce
Juice from 1 medium orange [ I used 2 oranges:)]
12 sandwich rolls, split, toasted [ I went and got fresh french bread from the commissary]
1/2 cup KRAFT Real Mayo Mayonnaise
PLACE meat in slow cooker; top with barbecue sauce and orange juice. Cover with lid.
COOK on LOW 8 to 10 hours (or on HIGH 4 to 6 hours). Remove meat from slow cooker; cut into small pieces or shred with fork. Return to slow cooker; stir to evenly coat meat with sauce.
With the fresh french bread I cut the size we would both eat, cut them in half. Then I brushed melted butter lightly on top. Then I placed our bread in the oven at 350 degrees and baked for about 7 minutes..just to get it a little crunchy!
SPREAD rolls with mayo; then add the meat.
Please note that I didn't use a lot of mayo since we aren't big mayo fans. And the photo above is Justin's plate since he likes beans, I don't....YUCK!!! So he was pumped to have some beans for dinner! I hope you all ENJOY:):)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Chicken Parmesan
Oh yeah...did I mention this is one of Justin's favorite dinners!!! So he was a very happy husband when he got home late tonight from work.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Creamy Chicken Enchiladas
You will need:
2-1/2 cups chopped cooked chicken [ I used chicken breasts and chopped them into cubes and cooked them]
1 can (10-3/4 oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup
1 pkg. (8 oz.) KRAFT Shredded Colby & Monterey Jack Cheeses, divided [I used Cheedar]
1 cup Sour Cream, divided
1/4 cup chopped cilantro, divided
12 flour tortillas (8 inch)
1-1/2 cups Taco Bell Home Originals Thick 'N Chunky Salsa
HEAT the oven to 350°F.
COOK the chopped chicken over the stove in a pan.
MIX the cooked chicken, soup, 1 cup cheese, 1/2 cup sour cream and 3 Tbsp. cilantro until well blended. Spoon down centers of tortillas, adding about 1/4 cup to each; roll up. [I added a little more then suggested and made 4 good size enchiladas for us]
PLACE, seam-sides down, in 13x9-inch baking dish sprayed with cooking spray; top with salsa and remaining cheese.
BAKE 25 min. or until heated through. Top with remaining sour cream and cilantro.
Suggestion: You could add a side salad if you wanted..I will do it next time since it sounds good!!
In the oven to get the cooking on;)
Out of the oven...all nice and cooked up!! Ready for the plate...
That is what is inside this yummy bad boy:) I hope you all enjoy if you try out this recipe!!!!
FYI:Justin chowed down his enchilada within 10 minutes and loved it. So I know I will be making this again for us:) I'm really excited for Friday's dinner. I will posting that on the blog for everyone!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Momma's Lover Boys
He literally cracks me up everyday:) Even when he is a little stinker or he is having one of those bad days. Like when we are both on the sofa and he inches closer to me to kick me or poke me with his toes over and over again!! But then when its time for bed I get my goodnight kiss and I always ask for just one more and he comes back to me to give me one more with the BIGGEST smile on his face. Melts my heart into pieces:)
Tonight he was in one of those moods where he was kicking me and poking me with his toes. Getting into things before bed and I asked him to cuddle with while we watched the rest of Blues Clues...he wanted to cuddle with Drake and I!!! Brotherly love already?!?!
I thought that Drake would kick Luckas, since he has been active all night. But he never kicked him or me. So I guess he already loves his bigger brother Luckas:) We are trying so hard to teach Luckas how to say Drake..but this is what he always tells us.."Drakey". I think he says Drakey meaning drink. But who knows..his speech can get way better by July:) Well I'm off to do my domestic chores for the evening and wait for Justin to finish his college and his work stuff he brought home from work. Its going to be a LONG night for the both of us. Till next time:)
Friday, January 28, 2011
Luckas is now a BIG BOY:)
So we have had only one scare with him falling out of bed, He woke up scared and crying. But I put pillows under the sheet so its like a little bumper and Justin wanted his old mattress down on the ground as back up. I took down his crib, really sad to take it apart for now but it will be ready for Drake when we move into our bigger house. After finally finding the BIG BOY bedding I wanted for his room, it finally came and He LOVES it. Biggest smile came on his face after I was telling him that it was his for his BIG BOY room and for him being a BIG BOY (yes, I do the BIG BOY..since we trying to let him know that he is no longer a will understand when or if you have kids). He covers himself up, he falls right to sleep at night, he has been doing so good. I honestly couldn't believe he has done so good! Makes me such a PROUD MOMMA!!!
Oh The Goulash:)
3/4 pound ground beef or ground turkey
1 3/4 cups Swanson Vegetable Broth (Regular or Certified Organic)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano leaves, crushed
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 can (about 8 ounces) stewed tomatoes
1 1/2 cups uncooked elbow-shaped or corkscrew-shaped pasta
1.Get a medium pot and fill half way full and put in noodles. Cook them till they are done.
2.Cook the beef in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat until it's well browned, stirring often to break up the meat. Pour off any fat.
3.Stir the broth, Worcestershire, oregano, garlic and tomatoes in the pot. Stir in the beef or turkey. Reduce the heat to low.
4.Cook for 5 minutes or until all the ingredients are well blended together.
I hope your belly enjoyed this yummy meal:)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Alfredo Herb Chicken Tortellini
Herb Chicken Tortellini
This dinner is really simple and its whipped up within 30 minutes! Like tonight my husband is not home yet from work and its going on 7. I can't wait any longer since I'm a hungry preggo woman with a toddler who is becoming a hungry MONSTER as I type this while dinner cooks:)
You will need:
Buitoni Herb Chicken Tortellini (or any that you like from Buitoni)
1 1/2 Chicken breasts as you choose, cut into cubes
Bertolli Alfredo Sauce in a Jar
1. Fill a cooking pot full of water to hold the Tortellini noodles...and put it on a high/medium heat. When the water starts to boil the noodles will cook for 3-5 minutes or when they start to puff up. (You will notice from what they looked like in the package)
2. Drain noodles & add aldredo sauce.
3. Cut chicken into cubes and take a frying pan and cook the chicken till its all cooked or turning a slight golden color.
4. Add chicken to the noodles and mix.
5. You may add a veggie to the side or bread if you like.
6. ENJOY:):)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Silly Little Luckas:)
Gosh, I love that little face of his:) He makes my whole day crazy but I love it & wouldn't trade it for the world!!!!