Monday, December 13, 2010
Little Baby Nutt:)
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Puppy Chow:)
Puppy Chow
What you will need:
1 cup peanut butter
2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (optional)
1 box of Chex cereal (any flavor if you want)
1-1/2 cups powdered sugar or as needed
1. Combine peanut butter and chocolate chips over the stove top so I can mix them together and make sure the chocolate doesn't dry out! PLEASE DON'T USE BUTTER..many recipes tell you to use it but when you put butter and chocolate/peanut butter together it doesn't work. You will have to start all over!
2. Stir to blend all ingredients thoroughly. Add 1/2 tsp. vanilla. Stir well.
3. Place the 1 box of Crispix cereal in a very large bowl.
4. Pour the peanut butter-chocolate mixture over the cereal and toss evenly, making sure all the cereal gets a good covering.
5. Coat with powdered sugar, sprinkling evenly over the cereal and tossing as you sprinkle to cover each piece well.
Now you have some Puppy Chow:)Enjoy!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Baby McNutt #2:)
Well by now everyone knows we are preggo with baby #2. I went in for my intake appt after doing the cup ordeal, getting blood drawn +passing out and this silly little class I had to take to which was a waste of my time since it was information I already knew since I have delivered here at the NH in 29 Palms. We had been trying since this summer and I was starting to honestly feel we were going to have the same issue we had trying to get preggo with Luckas. So, I was trying not to get myself down that path. Then when I tested on October 30th, I really didn't want to look at the test, so I didn't!!haha I waited and then I looked and I saw this little pink second line starting to appear and then that first line was SLLLLOOOWWLLYYY coming through too. I had to really rub my eyes and look hard. I walked out and had a smile on my face, Justin is laying on the sofa and I asked him to come here. He was already comfy on the sofa and didn't want to get up. So I tell him we are pregnant, I brought him the test and the look on his face was pretty priceless. He looked like he got hit by a semi-truck. He was in shock, excited-basically every emotion was running through him from what it looked like.
We sat there and I was thinking up my due date and it so happens to be on my mother-in-laws birthday July 12th, 2011. She is beyond excited:) We have our first appt on December 13th and I honestly can't wait to see our little baby nutt on that screen!! Also, we have been doing the baby name game. The boy name is set and the girl name is getting narrowed down more and more. As of right now we are NOT going to announce the baby name till the baby is born. I might change my mind, but right now its pretty much set on not saying one single word on the final name when we find out the sex of the baby. I'm so beyong EXCITED that Justin gets to be here for the whole pregnancy and the birth. He deserves this so much. He missed out on Luckas and now he gets to be here for our new bundle of joy. And I will admit I'm really at ease since I'm going to have my best friend there with me in my "corner":)
Anyways, I will keep everyone updated with all news!!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 2010
Here are our Turkeys that are hanging in the kitchen:) Then his really sweet fall sticker collage he did at daycare the other day. Then tonight we made baby and mommy Turkey hands! These were taken via-cellphone since I didn't want to drag out all the cords to my camera. Lazy, yes I know.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Its Fall Time:)
Luckas is going to be 20 months old tomorrow. I literally tear up everytime I think about him turning 2 years old in 4 months. My baby, my little man who just weighed 8lbs 0.2 oz when he was born is now talking, climbing into his own highchair (oh yes, we caught him getting into his highchair all on his own). He lets us know here and there when he has to use the potty. Luckas literally loves to be outside and playing on the playground and swinging. He is just like his mom and dad with being an outdoor busy body. He is just growing up way to fast and I cant stop it. Before I know it, I will be singing him happy birthday again and have him blowing out a number 2 candle on his birthday cake. Time really needs to slow down for us!!!
Justin is keeping busy with work and school. He got on the dean's list for having a 4.0 gpa since February. He should be finishing up his degree by next August. I swear he is the best dad in the WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! He gets up with Luckas alot when he doesnt have to go into work till noon or on his day off. He loves being a dad and spending his "daddy/son" time. Luckas gets so excited when Justin walks through that door, its like he was given 239074095639 presents!! He gives Luckas a bath basically every night and I do the dishes now..had to switch it up. Ugh I could go on and on about everything.
And for me, well I'm busy with OJP getting ready to start booking lightly for the holiday season and new year. I'm trying to finish my dental assistant schooling and then I will be jumping right into another course for Buisness. I'm nervous but I'm excited to have accomplished all this on my own and have that for myself....yay go me:):) Other then that I'm slowly getting everything to come together for my business. I cant wait for next year so I can get it all in order and have all my i's dotted and all my t's crossed! Luckas and I just got back home from visiting Kansas...let me tell you. I miss it already:( I just miss being around family the most. I miss not having to be surrounded by people all the time, I miss the country and the flint hills. Ugh, I could go on and on about how much I miss home.
Eeekkkk....the HOLIDAYS are coming up. And I cant wait:) We are going to have Christmas here in 29 Palms in our own home. I can't wait for it all to come together and start our own traditions together. Yippeee:) Okay, right now I have to go do my dishes so I will blog later!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
29 Palms Isn't So BAD....
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Major UPDATE:)
1.Luckas got his 1st HAIR CUT:
Justin and I decided that it was time for Luckas to get his hair cut due to the major fact that his original birth hair was getting in his eyes and I couldn't just slide it over to the side anymore. I got so caught up on making it to his appointment on time that I forgot to grab my camera battery that was charging so I had to take photos on my cell phone. Luckas did a great job and didn't cry at all while sitting in Justin's lap:) We have since then got his hair cut yet again since it grows so FAST!!
And after his second hair cut:D He is a STUD MUFFIN!!
2.Homecomings for Olive Juice Photography:
I got the amazing chance to be at 3 homecomings for three awesome girls that had their men coming home to them. I did one of them for my partner in crime Tina...we also had an amazing time getting hit by a sandstorm while we waited for the buses to pull up. The traffic had come to complete stop and when the sand finally cleared alot of the marines that were already at the field were running over to a wreck that had happened near by. I know Tina didn't care what she looked like at all after the sandstorm, she was just pumped to have her man home!! Anyways that was my little spill. I wont post any photos since this is not the Olive Juice Photography blog. Check it out here: OJP Blog.
3.Luckas giving kisses:
I can't STRESS how much I love our son. He is the best miracle that I have ever seen! I never knew that I could love someone so much as I love Justin. But the love you have for your own child is BEYOND anything in the world. Luckas has grown so much and is so smart!! He does this cute face that I caught while after giving Justin a kiss. He comes up to you and gives you a kiss and then laughs with a cute little smile:):) Just see for yourself.
4. 18 month check-up:
Luckas had his 18 month check-up today and he did really good:) He weighs 26 lbs and is 32 inches long. His cute little noggin is in the 94%-tile which is fine the doctor said. He is just taking after his McNutt side of the family since his great-grandpa McNutt and is daddy have nice big noggins! She was very impressed that he is already using the potty for only being 18 months old. He knows more then 10 words..I think its more like 15+ words now. He still has eczema which is calming down now. We still have Ace Poo McNutt since that is Luckas' doggie and he loves him so much. I usually cry when he gets his shots and Justin was supposed to be there to help me today but was needed at work. But I didn't cry and was the firm hand to comfort Luckas (which he usually wants his daddy). But I'm just glad that he is all healthy and is a freaking SMARTY!! Here he is on his 18 month birthday dinner. Ps. Thank you to whoever was so kind to pay for our dinner that night. That was so kind of you, I will return the favor one day to someone!
5. The Cute Shoe Monster:
We have this shoe monster in our house that likes to take our shoes and spread them through out the living room or walk-in area. I bought these bins for all our shoes..we all have our own. And you would think mine would be the one with the most shoes...nope he has more then me. Anyways Luckas has this little fetish with playing with our shoes. I think its cute until I have to go somewhere and I can't find the other shoe that I need. He has dumped his own shoe bin out all over the house. He loves to take Justin's shoes and wear them, he gets really mad when he can't fit both his feet into one of Justins shoe. Here is our Cute Shoe Monster in action..
And thats just in a 15 minute time frame:)
Well that is all for now. I think I got everything thats going on with us. I'm busy with running the house, taking care of Luckas and running OJP. I have to finish the last of my dental schooling. Just have to get past the fact that this last book is HUGE and there is 33 tests to take. Justin is just starting back on schooling from his two week break. Busy working and being the best dad and husband to our family:)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day
[June 2008]
Yes, We found out 2 years ago that we were expecting:) My mother was out here visiting California for the first time, Justin just headed off to the field to train for his up coming deployment back then. I just decided on the whim to take a test and sure enough....two PINK lines. I had to scream down to my mom because I needed another set of eyes. I also contacted one of my friends to run with me to Rite Aid to get another pregnancy test. Because I didn't believe the test!! It of course says "PREGNANT". I was literally blowing up Justin's phone to tell him the good news, I also had my mom and my friend Melissa texting and calling him. Just incase he got signal out in the middle of no where and got the amazing news:) We finally got ahold of him and he was so in shock but so HAPPY/EXCITED he told everyone on the mountain and called his dad. That was Justin's first Father's Day & his first Father's Day present!!Your the BEST dad & husband anyone could ask for:) Hope you have a great day with us!
♥ tiffany
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Doctor Update
We went to Luckas' follow up appt early this afternoon. I will be honest I was kinda freaking out that they were going to give me bad news. But I was praying and hoping the best. They weighed him and he gained weight YAY!!!!!! He is now 23 lbs 14oz. We are so happy that he is eatting and acting like he should be. He was chowing down on some snacks while she was talking to me. She was very impressed with how much he was chowing down. He was being silly and she would ask questions he would answer in his own way by shaking his head no or yes, with some babble in there with a smile haha. She thought it was cute!! She said his x-rays came back "outstanding" in the other doctors words. The meds that she put him on (the prevacid) seems the be working. Lets just hope he doesnt catch another little virus!! So everything is going great:) YAY!!!!
♥ tiffany
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Don't Want Him To Grow Up
So now we are on the hunt for a new "BIG BOY" toddler bed for Luckas. We would use his crib since it turns into a toddler bed and then a bed. But we are planning to have another baby. So the new little bundle of joy will be needing the crib.
As of right now, we have found two beds that we like. We all know that being in the military we dont get paid worth crap. But this bed should do right now:)We did find the brand that Luckas' crib is in but we would be saving some $$ going with choice #2.
Choice #1 & #2
Now you maybe asking yourself....they are basically the same bed! They are two different brands. The first one is $50+ more dollars then the second one. I saw this and was really pumped to know I could save some $$ and get the style that I wanted:) Its a win win right!?! I am really excited to his bed in and come home our Kansas/Nebraska trip this fall and have him try out his new bed!!! Now for his new bedding thats already figured out and picked. We are sticking with his jungle theme and the colors painted on his wall. its going to be so cute when its all put together. Keep an eye out this fall for more photos!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
X-Ray Time
He did finally break down and cuddle with me, he passed out. After 5 minutes of being asleep he starts snooring which was so adorable:) Here is his little photo of him passed out. Besides getting the upper GI X-Ray, they had to do another test thats why it took so long! His doctors wanted another test done so another why he had to take that nasty drink so it could get to his colon. After the 4th x-ray, I was so happy to hear that we didn't have to stay another 30 minutes for another x-ray. We go in for a follow up on Thursday to get the results on what they found out!! Hoping for good news:) Keep him in your prayers.
ps.these photos were taken on my cell phone.
Friday, June 11, 2010
No Eggs/Allergies
[this is him getting his blood drawn for the blood took a lot for me not to start crying, poor guy had to get pricked 3 different times]
Since his last appt Luckas got sick twice yet again. So I called the Quarter Deck to see what I should do. The on call Doctor called me and said she would have the nurse call me in the AM to set him up an appt the next day so he can be seen and treated. We go in yesterday and since his 15 month check up he has lost already 1 lb and a couple ounces. His eczema has flared up really bad towards the end of May. So she gets him a stronger cream and gets him aquaphor for his eczema around his eyes. Benadryl for the itching and then she tells me that his blood work has come back already and that he is 90+% allergic to cat dander, 40%-50% allergic to eggs and dog dander. She told me recommends me not getting a cat anytime soon and that we should take cut eggs out of his diet for 9-12 months to see if he out grows it. As for the dog dander, ACE is staying since his breed is hypoallergenic. Gabby is already gone (if you knew who that little stinker is) Luckas and Ace are like best of buds and that's Luckas' "goggie".
So after all that information, you would kind of think it would be easy to find books, information online or anything online about "no egg" baking or cooking. Its harder then I thought. I can find some recipes or I'll find something and start reading and it has eggs in it. Why would people waste my time with putting "no egg" and have egg in it. I have gotten frustrated a few times so far with this. But I have a good friend Erika down in San Diego who is a very happy vegetarian and knows her stuff about "no egg, no milk, no meat..." stuff. But its not that easy to be honest so I have been looking all over for maybe some good priced books and this is what I have found so far.
1. Joy of Vegan Baking
Looks like it could have some good baking things so Luckas can still have cookies and cake with us and not feel left out. I hope that it has some bread recipes in there too so I can make some bread for him so he can have some toast:)Since its his FAVORITE thing to eat lately. What caught my eye when reading what the book was about "The Joy of Vegan Baking lets you have your cake and eat it, too!" It should be helpful since I'm not an expert baker so I will be able to understand it!
2.The 100 Best Vegan Baking Recipes
Now this one looks like it could be alittle fun with pies:) I would love to tackle a pie or two to see if Luckas will eat it. But it just depends on the sugar, since we don't want him taking in a lot of sugar. Got to keep him healthy:) It says all these recipe are all homemade and it does have bread recipes in it. This book could be a winner to what I'm looking for since it helps understand replacers for butter, eggs, nuts and so on.
3.Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar
This is a book that Erika referred to me. I really didn't get to read much about the book and what it have to offer since these authors have already have another book out. I might have to look more into it. But its worth a shot:)
4.Bakin' Without Eggs
This book is in my "cart". I got to read alittle of the intro thank you to The author that wrote the book was writting this book with one thing in mind. You can find a lot of books that pertain to one theme. But she wrote this book for families that can't use eggs. She also says that there are books out there for "no eggs" but those eggless books are found natural food stores. So as for Justin and I being meat eatters that we are, we are having a harder time finding books for Luckas:( Thank goodness for this book.
I just wanted to say if I have offened anyone I'm sorry. We are not going VEGAN or VEGETARIAN. Abuse to animals is very wrong, but we love meat to much! I was born on chicken, steak and mashed potatoes!! I have been doing alittle more than a handful of research for Luckas; health.Thanks for reading:)
♥ tiffany
Friday, June 4, 2010
Santa Fe Chicken Recipe
Santa Fe Chicken
2 cups instant white rice, uncooked
1 can (19 oz.) black beans, drained, rinsed
1 yellow pepper, chopped
1 can (10-1/2 oz.) condensed cream of chicken soup
2 cups water
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb.)
1/2 cup TACO BELL® HOME ORIGINALS® Thick 'N Chunky Salsa
1 cup KRAFT Mexican Style Finely Shredded Four Cheese
HEAT oven to 400°F.
MIX rice, beans and peppers in 13x9-inch baking dish. Combine soup, water and cilantro; pour evenly over rice mixture.
TOP with chicken. Spoon salsa over chicken.
BAKE 35 min.; sprinkle with cheese. Bake 10 min. or until cheese is melted.
(I personal cooked it for 45 minutes so I knew the chicken was done..I just added some more water for the rice)
Thanks again
Short & Sweet
Tomorrow we are heading up to Pioneer Town for a nice little family afternoon:) Its going to be so nice to just spend time together. Everything here is going good. Just keeping busy and enjoying Justin being non-deployable!! We need to start taking advantage of that WAY more!!!
Till next time:)
♥ Tiffany
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Saucy Pepper Steak
Saucy Pepper Steak
What You Need:
1 green bell pepper, cut into strips
1 red bell pepper, cut into strips
1 yellow bell pepper, cut into strips
1 small onion, cut into strips
1 lb. well-trimmed boneless beef sirloin steak, cut into strips
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. black pepper
3 Tbsp. lite soy sauce
1/2 cup KRAFT Original Barbecue Sauce
2 cups hot cooked brown rice
HEAT large nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray on medium-high heat. Add bell peppers and onions; cook and stir 6 to 8 min. or until vegetables are crisp-tender. Transfer to large bowl; keep warm. ADD meat, garlic and black pepper to same skillet; cook and stir 3 min. Add soy sauce; cook 1 min. or until meat is cooked through. Add barbecue sauce; cook until heated through. SPOON meat mixture into bowl with vegetables; toss gently. Serve over rice.
This is what you'll end up with....
Friday, May 14, 2010
The Luckas Vocabulary
Well this is his vocabulary as of now:
fen fi (which means french fry)
night night
I cant wait for him to learn more and then be able to talk to us in sentences. We have decided that we are going to get Luckas his first hair cut next month after he gets to his family down in SD county. I am really nervous about getting it done but it will make him feel alot better this summer. I was looking at photos from february and now, its gotten much longer and fuller. We had a blast today coloring and telling him the colors he was using and just letting him have fun with different types of stuff...markers, crayons or finger paint. He was just having a BLAST! Anyways, ending with some photos of the little man:)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Dang Scanner.....
So Justin didnt have to go into work till noon since he got home late last night. Which was nice since when he has off he lets me sleep in and takes care of Luckas in the morning till his morning nap and crawls back into bed with me:) I was worried about how Luckas was going to act since he watchs Blues Clues every morning. Well Lincoln like always dont hold up their end of the deal. The power didnt go out till 1030, thank goodness I was checking the mail and went through the garage (garage door was open). My neighbor runs over since her car is stuck in her garage. I ran her to her daughters one year appointment. As I was driving her to the office, I totally forgot about the emergency lock on the garage door. I could of told her about that but she was in a hurry!
I decided that Luckas and I would go out and grab lunch since I couldnt make him anything here. Have to keep the milk cold, so no fridge. We go to the park and have lunch and he plays:) Luckas gets so excited about the park whenever we go. I swear this kid is gonna love being outsite when he grows up! I can already see it. Well we come and the power is back on, Luckas goes down for a nap. I realize that our sprinklers in the front yard have been on since 10 this morning and its just waisting water. So I have to call that in to housing, I have to call and put in a ticket for my stupid smoke alarm since its beep non-stop since the power went. I took it apart and threw it in the garage. The lady to fix it finally shows up about 1530. Luckas is down for his nap, Ace is barking up a storm because she knocked. My day is already in the mud because of the amazing Lincoln Housing! I have to get Luckas' forms to his daycare provider and my amazing scanner decides to have a freaking fit and not work. I was just fed up at that point. I was wanting to grab it, rip the cords out and throw it across the room. But I didn't finally after crunch time it works. YAY:) We drop off his papers and Luckas doesnt want to leave her house. He is literally pushing me away so he can get down and play. This is going to be great when I just need to drop him off for a "drop in"! I'm excited for this new little adventure we are going to be doing when its needed! Justin came home really late than normal, but he will be gone all day Friday to the field. Just really excited for this weekend!! But now our evening as come together and it ended way better then it started..yippeeee!!
PS. Even more excited to go FISHING next month:)
Monday, May 10, 2010
Cleaning & Meal Planning
He was also a great littler helper with folding the laundry by dumping the white basket on the sofa He just makes me whole life worth living!!!! Anyways after I cleaned the house & finished the laundry. I saw that alot of my girlfriends have been doing this "meal planning" and thought that maybe we should try it to see if we save any money. I think that if I can plan the dinners and not worry about planning for breakfast, lunch or snacks. You have to start somewhere. But I'm really going to try this meal planning. I already starting making out what I need from the store. This should be interesting:] I will have to let you know in another blog how this "meal planning" goes in this up coming week. I have to jet off to bed, I have a work load tomorrow. Luckas has to get his chicken poxs shot.Yikes...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Combat Boots & Diapers
Well Luckas is feeling so much better. I'm hoping that he wont get sick again till the winter time. Jeeze poor guy needs a little break from being sick all the time. He is finally able to, well I HAVE finally cut the cord on holding his own juice box. I'll do it when its needed but he has been doing so good doing it all by himself. He is so independent these days it makes me very sad. I just want him to stay my little boy forever, but I know that its not going to happen! He is amazes me everyday that passes with the things that he learns. We MIGHT be getting his hair cut in August when he turns 18 months because it gets really hot out here and I don't like having my long hair in the summer time, but it might change.
Today, Justin was getting ready to head to work after lunch. He was putting on his boots and Luckas came over and was trying to stick his foot in his other boot that he didn't put on yet. So Luckas started getting mad that he couldn't wear his daddys boots. So Justin took his already tied boot off and let Luckas stand in them. He tried to walk with them on but those boots are heavy. haha it was so adorable:] Justin needed to get going to he took Luckas out of his boots and started putting them on so he could head out the door. Ohhh did that tick Luckas OFFFFF. He let Justin know he was mad.haha
But it was the cutest thing to see him in the combat boots♥ melted my heart!
Until next time
♥ tiffany
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Support System:]
Anyways, I tried to change my ISO on my camera. I even busted out the directions on how to do it because maybe I thought I was doing it wrong (by pressing the freaking button). Nothing was working!! So I called Canon Customer Service, and the guy had the nerve to ask me if I even had my camera on (it was). He asked me how I knew it was on & I told him how I knew. We reset to factory settings and everything but nothing worked. I cant even get my DISP. frame pop up on the screen for some odd reason. I have never owned a DSLR before so I didn't know what was going on. I am still learning:] So basically the guy tells me that I have to send in my camera for repair, I almost started crying. I know it sounds dumb, but my camera is like my other baby. So I call Justin at work and tell him whats going on. He says everything is going to be okay and I might have to cancel some shoots while I get a repair. He comes home and we start talking about how I can get a rental and how I could benefit from a "back" up camera in case something happens. Just covering our bases, but he is going to be getting me another camera (which cost some $$$) so I don't have to cancel my shoots or anything. He is so supportive of my passion♥. I couldn't ask for a better husband, best friend, father of our child in the world. He wants me to be successful and follow my dream. He pushes me all the time. I'm really blessed and grateful for everything he has done for me and my passion♥ I have the best family & friends that stand behind me and keep encouraging me to keep going!! Thank you everyone, it means the world to me!!
Well off to bed since its getting late:]
♥ tiffany
Monday, April 26, 2010
Been Slacking..Sorry
Justin is busy with school and work so thats been his main focus, since his classes are coming on more and more. Cant wait for him to be done with school:) I have been super busy chasing after Luckas. Taking my own classes online and running OJP:) I cant express how it feels to get behind my camera lens. I cant explain it but I just get a rush when I'm taking peoples photos. And then seeing the photos come out the way they do, just makes it even better for me. I cant wait to learn more:)
Okay, well I will try to keep everyone more updated!Sorry:(
♥ tiffany
Friday, April 9, 2010
No More Sippy Cups During Naps..
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Apple & Sage Pork Chops
1 1/2 McCormick Rubbed Sage
1 tsp. McCormick Minced Garlic
1 tsp. McCormick Thyme Leaves
1/2 tsp. McCormick Ground Allspice
1/2 tsp. McCormick Paprika
1 tbsp. flour
1 tsp. salt
4 boneless pork chops (1 inch thick)
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion,thinly sliced
2 red apples, thinly sliced
1/2 cup apple juice
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1.MIX flour,all of the spices and salt in a small bowl.Sprinkle both sides of pork chops with 1 tablespoon of the seasoned flour.
2.COOK pork chops in hot oil in large skills on medium-high heat until browned on both sides.Remove from skillet. Add onions; cook and stir 3 minutes or until tender. Add apples; cook and stir 2 minutes.
3.STIR in juice, sugar and remaining seasoned flour until well mixed. Return pork chops to skillet. Bring to boil. Reduce hear to low; cover and simmer 5 minutes or until desired doneness.
[I cooked Alfredo Pasta with this. I thought a veggie would be a bit much but peas or green beans or whatever you prefer would be just as yummy]
♥ tiffany